Environmental Stewardship

The responsible use and protection of the natural environment

As environmental stewards we recognise the importance of the sustainable use of natural resources and protection of natural ecosystems, not just for our generation but for future ones as well.

Our Commitment to Environmental Sustainability

Taylors Contracting endeavours to protect people and the environment and to minimise adverse effects from our activities, in accordance with Taylors’ Environmental Policy for all projects undertaken. We recognise that we have a direct and significant relationship with the environment. The Taylors Board of Directors and Management Team demonstrate an ongoing commitment to ensuring that Environmental sustainability is ingrained into business activities.

At Taylors we pursue knowledge and practices that can lead to more environmentally friendly and ecologically responsible decisions, which can help protect the environment and sustain its natural resources for current and future generations. We are also committed to playing our part in addressing climate change, through pursuing opportunities to reduce carbon emissions from our operations, invest in new low emission technology, and by aligning with our clients’ carbon emission aspirations.

We plan for and are committed to preventing pollution and proactively limiting the adverse effects of our activities and will always endeavour to leave the environment better than we found it. We strive to continuously improve our environmental performance.

Our own in-house Environmental Management System monitors, assesses, and controls risks associated with our operations and environmental impacts. Control measures are instigated where risks are identified.

We also work alongside or under our clients systems to ensure the required compliance.


Telarc Registered

Health & Safety and Environmental

nelson tasman environmental services

Internationally Recognised Standards for Environmental Management

Our system is based on ISO 14001:2015 which is the internationally recognised standard for Environmental Management. Every incident related to the Environment is proactively investigated by the parties involved and is overseen by the relevant Manager for the Department. This process helps us to continue learning, improve and to mitigate future risk in order to achieve our environmental objectives in line with our policy and to minimise our overall environmental footprint.

Taylors Contracting Co Ltd has been AS/NZS ISO 14001:2015 Telarc Registered since August 2002. This includes the management of environmental aspects associated with the provision and supply of general civil engineering services, including design, earthmoving, roading, river work, heavy haulage, plant hire, and mechanical workshop services from head office and depots in Nelson and Christchurch, including all project sites and the production and supply of aggregates from quarries in the Nelson region.

The Taylors Team was audited in February 2024 by an External Telarc Auditor who found zero non-conformities. This is a testament to the wider Taylors team where work involving the Environment is engrained into day-to-day tasks.

Employees and sub-contractors are made aware of their environmental responsibilities and their obligations to comply with Resource Consents and the law through the detailed site induction process. The topic of the Environment is a standing agenda item at each operations team meeting to allow all attendees to have their say and allows any issues to be bought to the table.

The team at Taylors Contracting are very open talking about the Environment. We understand that their work plays a significant part in our collective role as kaitiaki for the taiao.

Training and Understanding

We are committed to ongoing training and support all our staff with their training and development needs.

Through knowledge sharing and training we actively involve employees in environmental initiatives, encourage our employees to take accountability for the impact of their actions, and encourage proactive environmental management.

The importance and sensitivity of the landscape and fresh water is recognised by the team and measures to avoid and mitigate the effects of each job are put in place.

These include specific risk controls such as: well briefed and competent staff, late-model, well-maintained machinery doing the work, limiting time working in the water, stormwater runoff controls onsite, sediment and erosion control, and additional spill kits and controls onsite in case of a machine problem. Refuelling and maintenance of vehicles and equipment is kept well away from waterways and no fuels are stored on these sites.

In addition, Taylors continues to acknowledge the importance of the environment and for several years we have had a dedicated Environmental Advisor to the team to support and advise our staff as they strive for continual improvement and better environmental performance.

Tony Dwane leads the Environmental Management System, promoting Taylors’ values of “Treasure, Protect, and Improve”.
