Work Experience Shows Potential For Quarrying Career

Nelson College Year 13 student Logan Dunn has been gaining some work experience with the Taylors Contracting team at the Lee Valley Limestone quarry.

Logan has always been keen on a career as a truck driver, however, working with the quarry team has opened his eyes to the benefits of another kind of industry.

“I’ve learnt how much a crusher is worth, $1 million,  and why the grease gun needs to be clean – I’m covered in grease now!”

Logan says he has enjoyed working with the whole team at the quarry and that they have been really patient with him asking lots of questions. He’s been surprised by the range of jobs he’s been able to do.

“The guys are really good. I like them all. They treat me the same as anyone else in the team.”

The biggest shock to the system has been the start time, says Logan. “7am is not what I’m used to!”

Most of Logan’s friends have been doing automotive work experience, he says.

“I’m the only one who is doing quarry and drilling work that I know of. Hopefully there might be an opportunity to work here over the summer, but if not it’s been great to have different opportunities and to meet different people.

I’d like to work towards getting my wheels, tracks and rollers qualification if I could but in the meantime I’m really enjoying coming here each week until school stops at the end of the year.”

“Since joining us Logan has fitted in well,” says Quarry Manager Steve McNabb. “It’s always hard coming into a new group but he has just gone about the tasks given to him with ease. We look forward to his weekly visits and we all wish him well finishing school.”

“Taylors currently has a number of apprentices and cadets across the company, approximately eight at this time,” says Taylors Contracting’s Human Resources Advisor, Amelia Bradley. “The key strength we look for in a cadet or apprentice is definitely a good attitude!”

“Quarrying is a great industry for young people to consider,” says Taylors Contracting CEO Charlie Taylor. “We like to encourage young people as much as we can and to give them the opportunity to see if the industries we work in might be a good fit for their skills and interests. Having a good attitude goes a long way and by all accounts Logan has demonstrated that in spades.”

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