Tyler Chamberlain

Tyler Chamberlain at Taylors

Machine Operator

Tyler Chamberlain was looking for a change from dairy farming when he started working with Taylors five years ago.

“I wanted to sit in a machine,” says Tyler. “I’ve been in dairy farming my whole life. I wanted to get away from the physical side.”

Tyler’s parents had a couple of diggers and a truck for their own drain laying business so Tyler had plenty of experience driving equipment. He’s also been mentored by machine operator Kevin Brunning, also known as ‘Skin’.

“Skin has taught me everything I needed to know. He’s known me since I was knee high.” 

Tyler currently operates a 225 zero tailspin digger, working mostly within the Rivers team.

“I’m doing all the rock and trees and planting willows. I also do a lot of tree felling with a chainsaw. I’ve only done machine operating for a year-and-a-half fulltime. Otherwise I was just driving a dump truck whenever it was needed.”

With his working background, early starts aren’t a problem.

“I still start early, just like in dairy farming. That’s probably why it’s so easy for me to get up so early. You even get up early on your weekends off if you’re a dairy farmer.”

Tyler is enjoying getting out and about and seeing different parts of the countryside in his current job. “I still get to chat to farmers with my work in the Rivers team.”

Described by a colleague as having a natural gift for rock placement, Tyler’s work has also attracted praise from Taylors client, the Tasman District Council. Tyler himself feels that he’s finally realised a long-held ambition.

“I‘ve always wanted to drive a digger ever since I was a kid. It finally happened. I’m really stoked.”

Tyler says that the wider workplace culture at Taylors is also a big part of his enjoyment of his job.

“I’ve got quite a few friends here. Everyone’s approachable, definitely in our Rivers crew and the workshop boys. We have a pretty good culture in the Rivers department. We have BBQs outside of work and catch up with each other.

“I’ve told a few people to get a job here. People have asked me what it’s like and I’ve told them to apply. They didn’t get the jobs, but that’s not my fault. They obviously didn’t say the right things!”

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